New Ferret Nameboard for Wild In The Country Ltd Ferret Racing
Wild In The Country Ltd are all set for our first Country Show of the Year.
It’s a great way to kick-start the season by participating at the annual 3 day event at the Portsmouth Rural Seaside Show 2015, Castle Field.
There’s a host of attractions and activities for everyone taking place – horse displays, dog shows, village sports, street markets, and of course our very own ferret racing.
Portsmouth Rural Southsea Show 2015
Wild In The Country Ltd will be ferret racing every day at this event. Our compere Malachy de Lacy will be drawing the crowds in to cheer along the ferrets as they race – great fun for all the family. You will also have a chance to come and meet Malachy and the ferrets in between races, and learn a little more about their backgrounds, their form and the history of ferrets. For those who have ferrets as pets, or are thinking of having a ferret, you will also have the opportunity to chat with Malachy about the keeping of ferrets and their welfare.
The ferrets are raring to go, and are in top condition after their winter break and pre-season training … though we won’t be giving any clues out as to which could be the winning ferret!
Making our ferret racing events even bigger and better this year, we’ve been working with Toby Curtis of Waterhall Joinery Ltd, Hertfordshire, to design and create our new Ferret Racing Name Board, showing the runners for each race – see which one you fancy backing!
Come and join us at Portsmouth Rural Seaside Show for a fun day out. Head for the green and white tent to find Wild In The Country Ferret Racing and be ready to cheer along with the crowd as the ferret racing gets underway.